Mega Drop Down for SharePoint 2010
Standard Edition
Mega Menus
Having usable and accurate navigation is essential to the success of your SharePoint site. SharePoint's default navigation provides a general view of the overall structure of your site, however it does not allow you to provide users with easy access to the wealth of content that is buried deep within your site.
Mega Drop Down Standard Edition is ideal for public facing Internet sites that want to provide rich navigation while dramatically reducing management costs.
Mega Drop Down Standard Edition allows you to present information in a visually rich and effective interface. Using the GUI-based administration interface, site designers can define the layout and structure for each drop down menu. Mega Drop Down's Content Block architecture allows designers to create their own layout and structure which can be styled with CSS.
Some features include:
- Fully compatible with Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010
- Drag and drop based Menu Administration
- Allow departments and users to manage their own navigation
- Cross site-collection navigation
- Unique navigation at site collection or sub-site level
- No custom HTML required. Fully customizable via CSS
- PowerShell deployable navigation
- XHTML Compliant
- Integrates with any master page.
- Import and export navigation
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